UK ministers have refrained from restating their pledge to prohibit foie gras imports, as negotiations with the EU may complicate such a ban. The upcoming discussions aim to establish a veterinary agreement to streamline agricultural product checks, raising concerns among animal rights advocates about the implications for stricter animal welfare regulations. Labour's environment secretary, Steve Reed, had committed to ending foie gras imports due to its cruel production process, yet activists argue that current government hesitance undermines these promises and the expectations of voters concerned about animal welfare.
Abigail Penny, the executive director of Animal Equality UK, stated: 'Every year, millions of terrified ducks and geese endure unbearable suffering for foie gras, force-fed until their livers swell to the size of a small football.'
Mandy Carter, the co-executive director of Animal Policy International, emphasized the importance of following through on election promises regarding humane treatment of animals and the repercussions of failing to uphold them.