The Best Way To Cook A Ham Steak Without Drying It Out - Tasting Table

Ham steaks offer a quick solution for weeknight meals, but cooking them correctly is essential to retain their moisture and flavor. Chef Bob Bennett recommends searing ham steaks in a hot pan for two to three minutes per side to develop a crispy exterior while preserving the meat's juiciness. Additional tips include properly heating the pan with oil or unsalted butter, seasoning options like brown sugar and marinades, and considering grilling as an alternative. For a complete dish, serve with roasted vegetables or creamy garlic mashed potatoes for a satisfying meal.
"We like to sear it in a hot pan. If you are starting with a nice piece of meat, I think it's the best way to get some crispy texture while still letting the meat speak."
"A pan sear is one of the best ways to cook ham steak, because it also helps cook the cut of pork without drawing out all of the moisture."
"In order for your ham steaks to cook within those few quick minutes, you'll need to fire up the stove to the proper heat."
"Grilling over high heat is the best practice... serve it alongside roasted vegetables or over dollops of creamy garlic mashed."
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