Greyson Harding, 13, reflects on his new perm, saying, "My hair is naturally super straight, so at first it was a bit of a shock. But now the curls have settled, I'm really pleased. I totally recommend it." His father, who works at a salon, agrees that contemporary perms have improved since his own ‘70s experience, emphasizing the refined techniques available today compared to their 1980s predecessors.
Oon Ng, director of NOH hair, notes that perms are increasingly popular among men, stating, "They are ideal for men as they are easy to maintain. All you have to do is wash and put some styling product in, and then let it dry." This reflects a broader trend where men, inspired by style icons, are seeking low-maintenance wavy looks.
Masa Matsumoto from Bebop salon sheds light on the surge in male interest in perms, asserting that platforms like TikTok and Instagram have fueled this trend. He mentions, "Men are increasingly drawn to [perms] as a way to add movement, texture, or volume to hair and make their look stand out," showcasing the impact of social media on grooming choices.
Mark Creed, a veteran in the hairdressing industry, highlights a widening demographic for perms, stating, "We are now also seeing perms on older chaps too," illustrating the growing acceptance and diverse appeal of this hairstyle across age groups.