Is It Safe To Store Nespresso Pods In Direct Sunlight? - Tasting Table

Nespresso revolutionized coffee with its convenient capsules, but proper storage is essential to maintain their quality. Pods should be kept in a dark, cool place away from sunlight and temperature fluctuations. High humidity can also damage the pods, so storage in a moist environment or refrigeration is not advisable. Keeping them in their original packaging is best, though alternative storage solutions exist for small quantities that will be used within weeks. Unpacking large orders for extended periods is definitely discouraged.
Nespresso pioneered the world of coffee capsules and changed the way many people brew their coffee in the morning.
Although Nespresso's pods are all packed in airtight aluminum capsules, it doesn't mean they are completely protected from the outside elements.
The best way to store your Nespresso capsules is in a dark, dry area. Keeping them in the original package and only taking out one by one.
It's not advised to unpack a massive order of pods have them sitting out for months.
Read at Tasting Table