French banks issue warning about new 'courier' scam

Recent emails from banks warn customers of a sophisticated scam designed to steal banking codes and PIN numbers. The scam unfolds through a deceptive multi-step process starting with a text pretending to be from a French administrative body, prompting individuals to fill in personal details. A subsequent message alerts the victim of a fraudulent transaction, leading to a call from a scammer impersonating a bank fraud department. Banks stress they won't request sensitive information over the phone and advise customers to scrutinize any messages asking for personal data.
First a text message will be sent purporting to be from a French administrative body such as Ameli, CPAM or La Poste, asking you to click on a link and fill in certain personal details on a form.
Once you have submitted the form, a second text is sent, claiming to be from your bank informing you that someone has tried to use your bank card for a fraudulent transaction.
Banks have reminded customers that they will never ask for security codes or a PIN number on the phone, and they do not send couriers to collect and destroy bank cards.
All texts containing a link should be treated with suspicion - if you are at all unsure, login directly to your account with the relevant bank.
Read at The Local France