Running a cute little coffee shop/bookstore. I bet you picture yourself just having a cup of Joe and chatting about Cormac McCarthy with an elderly gentleman in a tweed coat. You're never gonna be profitable but you won't realise it until about 2.5 years in. Also that guy never showed up, he's got a Kindle.
Having twins. So many people tell me they'd love to have twins. The reality is that you're going to have a high risk pregnancy and have a high chance of giving birth prematurely. My twins had both colic and reflux and I was so tired I hallucinated. It might look like I had it together pushing two sleeping newborns in their pram but the reality was that I averaged one to two hours sleep a night and the reason I was out pushing them in the pram was because that was the only way they slept for any decent amount of time.
Starting a business. Everyone talks about the freedom and potential money, but the reality is constant stress, long hours, and a ton of financial risk. It's way harder than the 'be your own boss' vibe suggests.
Island living. Shit is hard unless you're rich. Yeah I live in paradise - but I pay like 5.25 for a gallon of gas, my rent for a one bedroom is 2200 plus utilities (which are outrageous expensive). A box of cereal is like $15. My mail gets 'lost' in Puerto Rico - a lot.
#reality-vs-expectation #romanticized-lifestyles #business-challenges #parenting-twins #island-living