French Expression of the Day: J'en ai marre

'J'en ai marre' is a colloquial French expression signifying frustration or annoyance, translating to 'I'm fed up'. Though informal, it remains polite if used appropriately. The expression's origins are debated; some link it to the Spanish 'mareo' meaning sea sickness, while French linguist Alain Rey traces it to 1880s slang involving stolen goods. Variations like 'je n'en peux plus' exist for different intensities of frustration. This expression is widely used to vent irritation over common grievances, signifying a distinct aspect of French conversational culture.
The expression 'J'en ai marre' literally means 'I'm fed up' and captures a quintessentially French way to express frustration informally, yet politely.
According to linguist Alain Rey, the expression 'marre' originated from 'mar,' slang for stolen goods in the 1880s, evolving to indicate having had enough.
Read at The Local France