Customers can set up a complete VCF environment in just a few hours using EVS' guided configuration and automated deployment, allowing them to move, extend, and scale applications on AWS. EVS provides customers with the flexibility and control to configure highly optimized infrastructure for their specific workloads, extending on-premises networks and migrating workloads without changing IP addresses, retraining staff, or rewriting operational runbooks.
AWS could sell VMWare Cloud (VMC) on AWS until Broadcom acquires VMware; at this point, only Broadcom could be the seller of record for VMC. At that point, VMC was all but dead, as Broadcom moved to push VCF in its various forms hard and couldn't care less about the vision of VMC (multi-cloud management of VMware's SSDC stack).
GCP and Azure have taken advantage of this gap with their services (Google Cloud VMware Engine and Azure VMware Solution, respectively), which were VCF-based from the start. This is AWS' response-they take the VCF bits and run them fully managed by them with no VMware involvement in the service's day-to-day operations. It's a sad day for VMC, its team, and its vision. Prudent of AWS.