The article features a product designed for individuals with long hair who struggle to keep their shower drains clean. These disposable shower hair catchers offer a simple and effective solution, allowing users to prevent clogs by catching hair while showering. Users appreciate how easily they stick to the drain and how effective they are in preventing hair from passing through. The product is affordably priced at $11.99 for a 25-pack on Amazon, highlighting its accessibility for those looking to mitigate shower drain issues without fussing over cleaning devices.
For anyone with long hair, drainage clogging in the shower is a pain. So THANKS to whoever thought of such a simple but clever solution. They stick perfectly and the glue lasts like three weeks. It literally does not let a hair pass, and it's just so easy to place and remove. I wish I had known about this product before! A must-buy.
A pack of disposable shower hair catchers for people who often forget to clean the drain after a shower and too squeamish to maintain a device like the TubShroom.
You can just close your eyes and throw these away when they're too hair-infested.
Get a 25-pack from Amazon for $11.99 (also available in a 50-pack and 100-pack).