The biopic 'Bonhoeffer' about anti-Nazi martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer is making its European debut after facing challenges in the US amidst cultural conflicts. Director Todd Komarnicki highlighted the misappropriation of Bonhoeffer's legacy by nationalist forces, particularly following the rise of Donald Trump. The film underscores Bonhoeffer's relevance in contemporary discussions about fascism and extremism. Komarnicki emphasized the urgency of conveying the film's message as Bonhoeffer's example serves as a guiding light against oppression, despite being manipulated by political ideologues who distort his legacy for their agenda.
The film has been on a tumultuous journey emblematic of the fraught political moment, with Christian nationalist forces staking dubious but insistent claims to the German preacher's legacy.
Since the rise of Donald Trump, nationalist ideologues have stepped up efforts to use the pacifist civil rights activist Bonhoeffer as an unlikely touchstone.
Komarnicki admitted it has been a heartbreaking road for his years-long project. It's confounding that that people are using Bonhoeffer as a weapon.
The message part of the movie has become more urgent because of the rise of the far right. In this time of our need to be against fascism, he's a lighthouse.