In response to the U.S. administration's disruptive policy changes, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier emphasized the need for European leaders to remain composed and not be overwhelmed. He expressed concern over U.S. President Trump's disregard for established rules and partnerships. Steinmeier urged leaders to maintain their commitment to international cooperation and resist allowing a lack of rules to dominate global relations. He reminded that democracy should not be treated as a disruptive business model but as a system that necessitates stability and collaboration among nations.
The new American administration has a very different world view to ours; one that has no regard for established rules, partnership and established trust.
We must not allow ourselves to be paralysed by the flood of announcements from Washington and should instead focus on cooperation and partnerships.
It makes a difference when the leading democracy and world power says: we can do without rules. This is not in the interest of the international community.
Democracy is not a business model. It is not a playground for disruption.