Struggling With Eczema? Derms Say This Steroid-Free Treatment Can Help

As colder weather sets in, skin care routines must adapt, especially for those with eczema, which may worsen in winter. Dermatologist Dr. Noah Levit emphasizes the need for gentle, fragrance-free moisturizers and offers tips such as using cream-based cleansers and thicker moisturizers from tubs. He notes that lower humidity and indoor heating can exacerbate skin dryness. Additionally, Dr. Levit advocates for active eczema management strategies focusing on prescription treatments like ZORYVE cream to alleviate symptoms effectively but advises consultation with a healthcare provider for suitable options.
"An additional useful strategy can be to use an evaporative humidifier, at least for the sleeping environment," he shares.
"As a dermatology community, we are increasingly focused on eczema management strategies that lean on prescription medications that are suitable for proactive use," says Dr. Levit.
"With colder temperatures, the air holds less moisture and humidity drops. Turning on or up the radiant or forced heating systems can then steal more moisture from your skin."
"Atopic eczema or atopic dermatitis notoriously waxes and wanes, often quite unpredictably, [but] winter is a particularly tough time of year," he continues.
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