The article recounts the origins of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, founded by the great peacemaker Dekanawida, alongside Chief Hiawatha and the significant role of Jigonhsasee, a woman who helped unite the nations. Formed in the late 12th to early 15th centuries, the Confederacy brought together the Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca, and later, the Tuscarora. The written account, validated by the Confederacy Council in 1900, highlights the essential contributions of both genders in establishing unity and peace, reshaping their governance away from centuries of conflict.
Dekanawida's teachings, embraced by Hiawatha and Jigonhsasee, not only established peace among the warring nations but also laid the groundwork for an enduring confederacy.
The contributions of Jigonhsasee as 'The Chief Mother' were pivotal in persuading the nations to unify, emphasizing the essential role of women in leadership.