In 1408, King Sigismund of Hungary established the chivalric Order of the Dragon, aimed at uniting the German nobility and monarchs in a military campaign against the expanding Ottoman Empire. The order's members pledged allegiance to each other and committed to support the Eastern Roman Empire and Balkan allies. This charter, composed in Latin, serves as a historical document revealing the ambitions and political complexities of this period, including the eventual involvement of Vlad II of Wallachia, known as 'Dracul', who became one of its most famous members.
The charter of the Order of the Dragon, established in 1408 by King Sigismund, aimed to unite noble monarchs against the Ottoman Empire through chivalric bonds.
Members of the Order, including notable figures like Vlad II of Wallachia, pledged loyalty and military support to counter the threats posed by the Ottoman Turks.