Definitely an up-do. Maybe like a kind of messy bun. I'm thinking-and stop me if this doesn't make any sense-but a kind of homesteader vibe? Like a kind of 'Little House on the Prairie,' 'I'm gonna stand my ground and don't mess with me or my kin' kind of deal?
Like, it basically says, 'I've got a ton of stuff to do, like shuck corn, and muck out a barn, but I've still managed to retain a femininity that glints in the most attractive and unexpected ways.'
Have you ever had a watercolor teacher who is, like, a handsome older lady with all this effortless grace who always piles her gray hair on top of her head in the same way, with a few tendrils hanging down, because she just doesn't have time for anything else? And she always wears a floppy denim shirt and you know her house has all this tasteful Southwestern stuff in it...