United Airlines combines humor with important in-flight safety announcements in their unique Fight or Flight Club. The playful tone sets a light atmosphere, as they outline unconventional 'rules' for passengers to follow. Each rule is delivered with comedic flair, addressing common flying anxieties while implicitly reinforcing traditional safety measures. Passengers are humorously instructed on seat belt usage, the prohibition on smoking, and the importance of securing their oxygen masks. This irreverent approach underscores the airline's ability to engage passengers while ensuring they remain informed about their safety protocols.
If this is your first time flying United, we'd like to welcome you onboard! If you are a frequent United flier, then you are either the pilot or a flight attendant.
No smoking at all times. Smoking is not permitted on any United flight because cigarettes inhibit your body's ability to access enough oxygen to keep you in top fighting form for in-flight physical altercations.
You do not talk about Fight or Flight Club. Members of our social-media team have taken a mental-health month, so just give them a break.
Make sure your oxygen mask is secure before assisting others with theirs. Should the cabin pressure drop, oxygen masks will drop down from above your seat.