Russia-backed hacking groups have identified and exploited vulnerabilities in popular encrypted messaging services like Signal, WhatsApp, and Telegram. Recent reports from Google Threat Intelligence reveal that these hackers have escalated their operations mainly targeting Signal accounts to access sensitive communications concerning the Ukraine conflict. Experts express concerns that it’s plausible these hacking techniques will soon extend to other users outside military and government sectors. Cybersecurity professionals warn that Russia's proactive approach in cyber warfare could set a precedent for other nations, further increasing the risk for vulnerable individuals globally.
Russia-backed hacking groups have developed techniques to compromise encrypted messaging services, including Signal, WhatsApp and Telegram, placing journalists, politicians and activists of interest to the Russian intelligence service at potential risk.
Google Threat Intelligence Group disclosed today that Russia-backed hackers had stepped up attacks on Signal Messenger accounts to access sensitive government and military communications relating to the war in Ukraine.
Analysts predict it is only a matter of time before Russia starts deploying hacking techniques against non-military Signal users and users of other encrypted messaging services, including WhatsApp and Telegram.
Dan Black, manager of cyber espionage analysis at Google Cloud's Mandiant division, said he would be 'absolutely shocked' if he did not see attacks against Signal expand beyond the war in Ukraine and to other encrypted messaging platforms.