Your husband is making his baggage your problem and if he's unwilling to do anything about it, he's choosing to create a fissure in your marriage. It's not clear if his personal experience with infidelity is as a cheater or someone who was cheated on, but either way his trauma around this has reached the point of self-sabotage. I don't see how he's compromising here at all, really.
I see you giving up something that you love and him continually moving the line. This isn't fair to you, and I suspect that even if you were to never go on another solo trip again, there'd just be other little infractions that would trouble him.
If he won't even consider counseling for himself and for the two of you, it doesn't sound like he's really committed to the success of your marriage. You should be able to come and go as you please, particularly as a function of your job.