Uganda cited Dobbs to back an anti-LGBTQ crackdown. Americans should be worried too.

Yesterday, Uganda's constitutional court cited the US Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade in its ruling to uphold the majority of a sweeping anti-gay law that criminalizes homosexuality and same-sex marriage, and allows for convictions of up to life in prison and the death penalty in some cases.
The fact that the court upheld most of the law obviously amounts to a massive setback for LGBTQ Ugandans-and offers a striking look at how Dobbs might be marshaled to restrict other rights both in the US and around the world.
"We have been saying in the United States that the decision in Dobbs could easily be extended to the context of personal liberties, like the choice to engage in sex with a person of the same sex, to marry a person of the same sex, to use contraception," Melissa Murray, a professor at New York University's School of Law and a leading legal expert on reproductive rights and justice, told me.
Read at LGBTQ Nation