"The explosion of campus protest movements against Israel's siege of Gaza has been historic, showcasing young people's solidarity with Palestinians facing a genocidal assault. This generation has been galvanized and politicized, advocating for their institutions to cut ties with Israel's military actions, which they view as one of the great human catastrophes of modern times."
"Across universities and colleges, grad workers and undergrad students have played pivotal roles in uncovering the financial connections between their campuses and military operations. This grassroots organizing work links directly to the wider goals of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, emphasizing the importance of transparency and accountability in university investments.
"The protests not only demonstrate the solidarity of students with Palestine, but also create crises for college administrators caught between their proclaimed values of justice and the pressure from trustees who support Israel. This tension illustrates the complexities universities face in affecting real change against systemic injustice."