This Is Insane!' Lara Trump Melts Down Over Kamala Harris Presumed Nomination Without Getting Any Votes'

Jones: They just anointed Kamala Harris. She's received no vote. And when I mean no votes, I mean, she was the first one out of the race. She never got a primary vote. Now they've anointed her as a leader. She didn't get any Democratic primary in this election as well. So, what do you make of that?
Trump: Lawrence, it is such a joke. Look at the other side! Oh my gosh, we had to basically get a proof of life in a phone call from Joe Biden, the current president. I'll remind everybody, yesterday whenever Kamala Harris went to that Wilmington campaign office This is insane! Do they really think the American people want to vote for this party? This is what this party is doing to the country?
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