Nick Stevens emphasized that the cuts made at St Raphael's Hospice are a tragedy, impacting a clinical nurse community team by 20%, which has resulted in losing irreplaceable staff with extensive experience. The loss is expected to detrimentally impact the services offered by the hospice, particularly during critical times for patients and families.
Luke Taylor highlighted the public's concerns about losing valuable hospice services, stating that these services are essential, particularly in times of need, and stressed the reliance on consistent care from hospices.
Fiona Duppenbecker shared her personal experience, explaining how the hospice provided the much-needed support for her partner Alastair during his final months, turning a challenging time into one where they could focus on being family again instead of caregivers.
The government acknowledged that addressing funding challenges for hospices will be a gradual process, indicating that immediate solutions may not be forthcoming amidst the ongoing financial pressures on healthcare services.