London Zoo has welcomed six endangered small mammals, including golden lion tamarin twins and a critically endangered gentle lemur, amidst a significant baby boom. These births are crucial for species conservation, according to Daniel Simmonds, the zoological operations manager. Named Pomelo and Clementine, the tamarin twins and their brother Kumquat reflect the zoo’s commitment to breeding programs aimed at safeguarding wildlife. Additionally, a two-month-old Alaotran gentle lemur has begun exploring outdoors, while two Asian short-clawed otter pups are being nurtured by their first-time mother, Midge.
Each of these births is a big moment for their species - many of which are under real threat in the wild. These new arrivals help safeguard the future of their species as important advancements in the European breeding programmes for these animals.
The twins were born last spring at the zoo and join their older brother Kumquat - with each sibling named after orange citrus because of their striking orange fur.