The Aziz Foundation's free aerial light installation in Coventry Street celebrates Ramadan with designs inspired by Islamic patterns and celestial symbols. Illuminating until March 29, the display transitions to "Happy Eid" on March 30, marking the end of fasting. This year marks the foundation's 10th anniversary, introducing more community-focused activities, including a Halal food trail featuring local restaurants and an interactive installation at Leicester Square. Additionally, a new online map aids visitors in finding prayer spaces during the festivities, enhancing the celebratory atmosphere.
The free aerial installation, organized by the Aziz Foundation, reflects the mood of Ramadan through lights based on Islamic geometric patterns and celestial symbols.
As Ramadan comes to a close, the lights transform from "Happy Ramadan" to "Happy Eid," showcasing the transition from fasting to celebration.
This year is particularly community-focused, marking the Aziz Foundation's 10th anniversary, with several new experiences, including a Halal-friendly food trail and interactive installations.
For the first time, an interactive online map will assist visitors in locating nearby prayer spaces during the Ramadan festivities, enhancing the experience.