"The consequences for privacy noncompliance range from zero to major financial and reputational damages. Many companies with privacy risks today have not been fined, but the ones that do get fined face lengthy legal battles, costly ongoing oversight, and lose valuable consumer trust."
"The privacy landscape in the U.S. remains highly fragmented, especially with a persistent lack of a federal privacy law. The CPRA, while a California law, remains the standard when it comes to privacy compliance in the U.S."
"Media and ecommerce sites were the biggest offenders when it comes to CPRA compliance. Despite media making up 53% of the top 100 websites, 79% of these websites are noncompliant."
"Seventy-six of the top 100 websites visited in the U.S. do not honor CPRA opt-out signals. Additionally, 75% of the top 100 websites share user data with third parties even when they opt-out."