"At a time when journalism is under threat around the world, this will serve in a very powerful way to remind people how important the press is as a pillar of democracy," Barbara Cochran, president of the Fallen Journalists Memorial Foundation told Washingtonian. "This will also help take note and honor the sacrifices journalists have made in the name of press freedom."
The memorial to be erected near the National Mall will be dedicated to press freedom and the journalists who have lost their lives in service to that cause, according to a press release by the foundation.
A massive structure composed of numerous separate glass elements will be the first memorial in the United States to be made entirely of glass. The strewn glass elements are meant to be haphazard, indicating disconnected data points that come together to form a story.
To commemorate these and other journalists who have lost their lives in service, a group of journalists, professors, activists, and others came together to spur construction of a memorial.