FPL has a deadline to clean up salty pollution under Turkey Point. It won't make it

At the Turkey Point nuclear power plant in Florida, a hypersaline plume, created by cooling canals over decades, threatens local groundwater and drinking supplies. Despite some progress in cleaning shallow areas, deeper sections of the plume remain largely uncontained, prompting Miami-Dade County to demand enhanced cleanup efforts from Florida Power & Light (FPL). The utility has explored various remediation strategies but faces scrutiny over its delayed response to the environmental risks posed by the plume and the overall scarcity of freshwater resources in the region.
‘Despite some success in cleaning the saltwater, major areas of the plume remain mostly untouched, with the utility failing to meet its cleanup deadlines.’
‘The hypersaline plume is a pressing issue that poses risks to South Florida's drinking water supply and needs immediate action from Florida Power & Light.’
Read at Miami Herald