New witness leads to felony homicide charge 2 years after boat crash killed Lourdes girl

George Pino, a Doral real estate broker, is now facing a vessel homicide felony charge after crashing his boat, resulting in the tragic death of a 17-year-old girl. More than two years after the incident, which badly injured her classmate, the severity of the charges escalated after a key witness emerged.
The new felony charge, vessel homicide/operate in reckless manner, is significantly more serious than the initial careless boating misdemeanors that were filed against Pino. Following a reevaluation by the Miami-Dade State Attorney's Office, this case now carries a potential sentence of up to 15 years in prison.
Pino's initial charges outraged the families affected, especially since he was only charged with misdemeanors after the deadly incident that claimed the life of a promising young student and severely injured another. The subsequent rise in charges reflects earlier criticisms of law enforcement's handling of the case.
Prosecutors reconsidered the case after a new witness came forward, prompting the Miami-Dade State Attorney's Office to file the serious felony charge. This opening raises questions about the investigation's integrity as earlier witnesses reported they weren't even contacted after the crash.
Read at Miami Herald