As it's the holiday season, the once-a-year airing of holiday specials and movies. No on-demand, VHS, DVD, streaming. It came on once, and that was it. If you missed it, you had to wait. But honestly, it was fun, the anticipation leading up to that day and time, when you'd plop down in front of the TV to watch the Grinch, Rudolph, etc. I miss that.
I moved to a tiny town and it is about a 45 drive to any chain, except Dairy Queen - the only fast-food joint in town. It is like living in the Gilmore Girls, and I love it. Plus, my husband bought a fixer-upper for $6k about six years ago and has fixed it up cash only. I work from home and now have about $1.5k in monthly expenses (car, insurance, groceries, etc.) and have a plan to save $700k in the next 10 years. The American Dream is still alive, at least in rural Minnesota, but most people can't live without endless consumption.
Being able to go out cruising with your friends and nobody knows where you are or what you're doing, and the only rule is to be home by curfew. I feel bad for kids whose parents watch their every single move. I can't imagine how suffocating that must feel.