"What's Left Behind" begins with Hernandez's arrest on June 26, 2013, a moment captured by swarms of ravenous paparazzi. From there, we're firmly in aftermath mode, peering in on some of the conversations that undoubtedly happened in real life.
Belichick's mood is grim - more somber and uncomfortable than angry, though he's insistent that Aaron not be mentioned again. His speech about moving forward and feeling proud of his players sounds about right, a PR attempt designed to paper over the past and create space for a new Hernandez-less Patriots.
But the real main character of the episode is Shayanna, who's still in denial that her fiancé could do something like this. It'd be easier to work through her feelings if she at least had the assurance that she and their daughter, Avielle, would be okay.
Most important, though, is her internal conflict. Is it possible to be loyal to both your sister and the man who almost certainly murdered her life partner? Shay and Shaneah's conversations in this episode crackle with tension, especially as Nay makes her feelings clear.