Anti-Israel protesters show true colors by celebrating October 7 attacks

As if commemorating the one year anniversary of the worst single-day massacre of Jews since the Holocaust wasn't harrowing enough, we American Jews were treated Monday to a reminder that the marauders who want us dead are alive and well in New York City.
Watching the kaffiyeh-clad thugs, many of my friends felt distraught. How, they wondered, could such hatred flourish here, in America? And why were the bullies permitted to carry on with their intimidation, turning our solemn day of remembrance into one of fear and loathing?
I understand these sentiments, but I do not share them. The sight of masked maniacs calling for my demise did not deter me. In fact, it gave me hope.
It gave me hope, because, an immigrant here myself, I believe in America. I believe in American exceptionalism. And I believe that the jaunty little jihadists marching down the block are precisely the sort of wake-up call this great but slumbering nation needs.
Read at New York Post