The initial publication of the article contained a key labeling error in Fig. 1e, where the labels for the purple and orange lines were inadvertently switched, resulting in confusion regarding the current densities. This error has now been rectified, clarifying that purple corresponds to Jd.c.=4.7 x 10^7 Am^2 and orange to Jd.c.=4.7 x 10^8 Am^2. Such corrections are crucial in scholarly work to maintain accuracy in data interpretation and conclusions drawn from the figures, as they directly affect understanding of the research.
The article focuses on the dynamic transition and Galilean relativity of current-driven skyrmions, significant phenomena in spintronics and topological matter. Understanding these transitions is key to advancing technologies that rely on the manipulation of skyrmionic structures in magnetic materials for spintronic applications. Correcting such visual errors strengthens the integrity and reproducibility of scientific reports, thereby enhancing the scientific discourse and knowledge.