Accepting the award, Gadd, who is bisexual, said that the volume of people embracing his story "means the world" to him as well as the cast and producers, adding that he is grateful for getting the chance to "tell this messed-up story to the world."
Addressing how dark the Netflix show is, Gadd said he felt it spoke to "the kind of painful inconsistencies of being human." "I think for a while now, there's this kind of belief in television that stories that are too dark and complicated won't sell and no one will watch them," he said. "I hope that Baby Reindeer has done away with that theory."
Any story when done right, it's universal, and all the weird, idiosyncratic struggles we go through on a daily basis are just as worthy of being committed to screen as any. So commissioners, streamers, when you're totting up the numbers and putting together the budgets for this year, remember to keep some back for the little person to tell their story.
Gunning was elated to win the award, almost tripping on the stairs and exposing her cleavage as she went to collect it. "You almost saw my Golden Globes."