Blistering UnitedHealthcare Protest Song Amid CEO Murder Makes Jesse Welles Viral Star

Welles critiques the healthcare industry in his song "United Health," capturing the public's anger following CEO Brian Thompson's tragic murder due to insurance claims rejections.
In "United Health," Welles sings: "Way back in 70 and 7, Mister Richard T. Burke started buying HMOs putting federal grants to work/made 50 billion buckaroos last year/the Warren Buffett of health, the Jeff Bezos of fear," showcasing the rise of UnitedHealthcare and its implications.
He continues: "There ain't no you' in United Health, there ain't no me' in the company/there ain't no us' in the private trust/there's hardly humans in humanity,' highlighting the dehumanization in the healthcare system.
Welles alludes to the turbulent industry climate by stating: "Now CEOs come and go and one just went/the ingredients you got bake the cake that you get,' connecting the recent violence to systemic issues.
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