Luis Villalba Ruiz and Jorge Nestor Noya faced investigations for their roles in a scheme that illegally hunted jaguars in Bolivia. Photos of the men with their kills went viral, prompting an inquiry from the Bolivian Prosecutor's Office. The Argentine Federal Police previously confiscated over 3,000 trophies linked to Caza & Safaris, the company promoting these hunting packages. Noya is under house arrest, while Villalba is wanted for allegedly killing multiple jaguars, facing serious charges that could result in lengthy prison sentences.
Photographs of smiling hunters posing with jaguar carcasses have gone viral, leading to an investigation into illegal hunting operations in South America.
Seven people were charged after the Argentine Federal Police seized over 3,000 hunting trophies linked to the illegal activities of Caza & Safaris.
Prosecutors in Bolivia have opened investigations against Noya and Villalba for biocide and destruction of state property, which could result in 19 years in prison.