Breaking The Bedtime Milk Habit | Baby Domain

Weaning a toddler from their bedtime bottle is a critical milestone towards independence and development. This transition, albeit challenging, yields numerous benefits, including improved oral health and better sleep quality. As children learn to self-soothe and establish healthier bedtime habits, parents can choose between two main weaning methods: cold turkey or gradual easing. Gradual weaning, preferred by many for its gentle approach, involves slowly reducing milk content to help toddlers adapt comfortably. The article emphasizes the importance of this process in supporting overall well-being and independence in young children.
Gradual weaning not only reduces the reliance on the bottle but also allows a child to adapt to changes slowly, minimizing disruptions in their routine.
Eliminating the bedtime bottle supports better oral health by reducing risks of tooth decay and also promotes healthier sleep habits in toddlers.
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