City Hall plans to meet with four Brooklyn childcare centers facing closure due to non-renewed leases by the Department of Education. The DOE's prior stance was firm about the closures, stating the centers were under-enrolled and costly to operate. However, community backlash, including a rally at City Hall, prompted the mayor's office to agree to discussions. Local leaders express cautious optimism, demanding concrete commitments for the centers’ reopening and accepting new registrations to support families in the area.
"The mayor's commitment to discussions is a clear sign that community resistance is working - but talk is not enough."
"These communities have made it very clear to the city that we are not going to allow the shutting down of institutions that helped raise our children."
"The city has claimed that the affected facilities were under-enrolled and too expensive to run with so few children attending."
"Families, childcare providers, and local politicians... packed the steps of City Hall on Thursday in protest."