Neelam Pahl expressed her dismay, stating, "We have a day centre, we run cultural activities, we take them out and about, even help them to fill out forms. We also hold health awareness talks and workshops. Now all these things are going to disappear." This highlights the invaluable services provided by DAWN to the elderly and vulnerable members of the community.
In a letter from council leader Kam Rai, it was confirmed that funding will be stopped, leading Pahl to respond, "The sudden cut from the council with little warning is not what we expected from Redbridge - we are shocked. It’s very dismissive, especially in light of the unique and great service that we have proudly been providing on their behalf all these years."
Members of DAWN are increasingly anxious, with Neelam noting, "If we are no longer there, I do not know what will happen to them. They are just as worried as us - they do not want the centre to close." This underlines the deep sense of community and concern for the well-being of the vulnerable.
Pahl expressed the dire consequences of closure by stating, "They're going to die early if they're left indoors with no stimulation and no incentive to go out. We do park walks and exercises to keep them active. If there's no stimulation and no way of them getting together, what on earth will happen to them?"