Doctors And Nurses Are Revealing The Health "Lies" They Wish More People Knew, And It's Eye-Opening

The article discusses misconceptions patients hold regarding their health and the healthcare system. It emphasizes that gangrene is a symptom of severe health issues rather than a standalone threat, highlighting the poor survival rates associated with it. Additionally, it addresses myths around detoxification, confirming that the liver and kidneys perform this function effectively without the need for extreme measures like colonics. Lastly, a primary care physician shares frustrations about the healthcare system's bureaucracy, emphasizing the importance of patient cooperation in treatment plans for effective healthcare outcomes.
Vascular surgeon here. Here's a generalization that many folks don't understand: Gangrene is associated with a very poor survival rate, and patients often don't understand this. They're not dying because of the gangrene - it's the opposite. They're developing gangrene because they're dying.
Your liver does not need to detoxify. It detoxifies your entire body, along with the kidneys. It's amazing! Your bowels will eliminate solid waste on their own; you do not need a colonic, ever, which wrecks the colonic microbiome. If you're constipated, there are many solutions, and none of them is a colonic.
I'm a doctor, and I'm trained to listen to you. I will ask you what you think is wrong. I will examine you and order tests. But also, I have a lot of training and will have my own suspicions based on my knowledge, information, and experience. I will encourage you to follow my advice. It's usually good advice because it is built on my experience, your involvement, and my knowledge. If I'm wrong, I admit it.
Myth: The idea that the entirety of US healthcare is this diabolical moneymaking scheme that's all rooted in the greed of the doctor treating you. I'm a primary care doctor. I don't like how the US healthcare system works just as much as you. I hate the prior authorizations.
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