The H5N1 strain of bird flu has led to the deaths or culling of over 13 million birds in the U.S., resulting in a nationwide egg shortage. Prices for eggs have surged, from $3.65 in November to $5.29 in January. Eggs are essential for baking due to their binding properties and ability to enhance moisture and texture. With the ongoing shortage, alternative substitutes, like plain yogurt, are being recommended to create similar baking results. Understanding this challenge is crucial as consumers adapt to higher prices and lesser availability.
"Eggs are a staple in many of our homes, and when it comes to baking cakes, they're particularly hard to replace, because they don't do just one thing..."
"The problem is that eggs are a staple in many of our homes, and when it comes to baking cakes, they're particularly hard to replace."
"One simple swap is to use a quarter-cup of plain yogurt, which can take the place of one egg...regular yogurt has more of a liquid form."
"As suppliers struggle to keep up with demand, shoppers are noticing empty shelves, Waffle House is charging 50 cents more per egg, and prices have risen sharply."