A North Atlantic right whale and her calf were spotted in New York City's waters, marking an unusual occurrence for this endangered species. Known as Accordion, the mother has been monitored since 2011, and experts fear her newborn may be among just 372 individuals left. The sighting is particularly noteworthy given that right whales typically migrate further south in winter. Researchers are uncertain whether the calf was born locally or migrated from southern waters, emphasizing the importance of each new birth for this critically endangered population.
We don't know if this baby was born here in the New York Bight or if he was born down south and they came up here.
It's quite notable that they're here right now at this time of year when they will generally be further south.
These animals are critically endangered, and so every pair is important, but it's especially rare to have a pair up here outside of their normal birthing range.
The sweet pair are two of just an estimated 372 North Atlantic right whales alive today, making the species among the most endangered in the world.
#north-atlantic-right-whale #endangered-species #wildlife-conservation #marine-biology #new-york-bight