A professional smell consultant at AromaPrime specializes in crafting scents that invoke fear for theme parks and scare attractions. Over 50 years, AromaPrime has developed diverse scents, from historical recreations to fantastical smells, like those for zombies. The consultant shares experiences from creating projects such as dinosaur smells and scent boxes for Alzheimer's care homes. By combining scents, like blood and rotting meat for vampire breath, they achieve intense emotional responses from visitors. Their work highlights the importance of scent positioning in attractions and the challenges of effectively eliciting fear without unintended reactions.
It's my job to create scents for theme parks and scare attractions, evoking fear through smells like poo, vomit, urine, and sweat.
We've created hundreds of smells for theme parks, including a Victorian street and fantastical scents like zombies, all aiming to elicit strong reactions.
For a vampire breath scent, I mixed blood-like chemicals with metallic notes and a hint of rotting meat to achieve the desired effect.
During scent tests, we sometimes miss the mark, like when our rotting flesh scent made people hungry instead of afraid.