On January 27, RSPCA officer Tia Pennant rescued a fox that had become entangled in a football goal net. The fox was suspended in the air but fortunately was unharmed. After freeing the animal, Pennant transported it to South Essex Wildlife Hospital for assessment, where it would eventually be released back into the wild. The incident raised awareness about the hazards posed by outdoor sports equipment to wildlife. In contrast, another rescue by officer Paige Havlin did not have a happy ending when a different fox succumbed to poisoning after being trapped at a building site.
The homeowner said he would take down his football goal and get a fold-up one in place of it as he realised the dangers to wildlife.
Fortunately, the fox wasn't injured and I was able to cut him free quickly before taking him to South Essex Wildlife Hospital to get checked out.
It is a big problem at the moment as we're finding a lot of foxes are getting trapped in situations like this.
Sadly, the outcome was not as positive for the other fox, who was contaminated with paint and ultimately had to be put to sleep.