Rebecca Reeves, who submitted the footage of her kitchen, shares, 'I think it's an orb with the way it glides in the room. I didn't feel uneasy about it because I'm not really sure what it is.' Her exploration into orbs online led her to believe it might be a relative keeping an eye on her dog, saying, 'that did make me think maybe it's a relative keeping an eye on our pet dog Albus whilst we popped out.'
Yvette Fielding, former star of 'Most Haunted', noted in the footage deemed spookiest, 'The Ring camera captures a silvery orb appearing to drift towards the camera before fading away, providing a quintessential glimpse into the occasional mysteries caught by home surveillance that go beyond mere safety.'
Dawn Gallagher, who shared her footage from Glasgow, remarked, 'This was the first time we noticed activity after this mysterious orb set off the camera's movement notification. It raises questions about what these cameras can capture beyond physical security.'