"The first time I remember them was when they were on the episode of iCarly. I remember watching the episode over and over. I never got to see them live but I always hoped I would. I was reading my book, and my cousin texted me and I went on to Instagram and I thought it was a joke. Everyone started posting it and then I just burst into tears. I came here out of respect, I love Liam."
"We just wanted to come to the memorial because One Direction has been so special and in Kate's life, she always had One Direction when she had nobody else. She had their music. We used to drive to school and listen to One Direction albums in the car. It's a core memory."
"When I had no one, I could just put on my headphones and watch the videos and listen to their music. I didn't really have that many friends growing up, it was like they were my friends. It's really hard now that he's gone. I haven't done anything since I found out. It's just been tears on the bed and watching all the old videos."