How long will we stomach sermons from royals made rich by their own charities? | Catherine Bennett

The British public remains immensely forgiving of royal failings, understandably when the family is fragile and struggling with serious illness. Huge public sympathy has allowed for the revival of a doting, vintage style of reporting that only a year ago might have seemed as absurd as it is, in the longer term, unwelcome.
The firm' is an entirely accurate term for a family company that transacts business for profit Not now that Channel 4's Dispatches, the Sunday Times and the Mirror have between them, after an impressive investigation, disclosed what the royal family had until last week successfully concealed.
...the profits (on top of the sovereign grant) amounted last year to 27.4m for Charles and, for William, 23.6m. While it's known that royal duchies are exempt from tax on corporate profits, the investigation shows that these include rents extracted from the armed forces, the NHS, prisons and even charities.
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