I put my dreams on hold to become a teacher. I eventually quit and became Japan's bullet train voice.

Donna Burke, a former teacher from Perth, Australia, pursued her dreams of singing and acting, ultimately becoming the English voice of Japan's bullet train and multiple video games. Teaching brought her joy, yet she felt she was settling for a life she didn't truly love. In 1997, she left her teaching career to follow her passion for performance, resulting in significant opportunities, including voicing an earthquake alert system. Burke emphasizes the importance of pursuing happiness and emphasizes not regretting one's choices.
In some ways, teaching is like being onstage; it's like acting. You have to pretend you don't care when you deeply care.
I moved to Tokyo in 1997 to focus on my passion: bringing joy to people through my singing and performing.
In 2002, I auditioned to be the English-speaking voice on the Japanese bullet train, coinciding with Japan's tourist boom of English speakers.
I don't regret any of my decisions. But my motto for life is: if you're not happy, keep searching for what makes you happy.
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