If You're A Name Brand Girl On A Generic Brand Budget, Check Out These 29 Products That Won't Feel Like A Compromise

E.l.f. has introduced a new sheer tint lip balm called "Squeeze Me," which is infused with hydrating hyaluronic acid. With a price tag of only $4, it stands out as an affordable alternative to the popular $24 Summer Fridays Lip Butter Balm. Praised by BuzzFeed's Emma Lord for its lightweight texture and flattering gloss, the product comes in various flavors and can be easily integrated into daily routines. In addition, similar budget-friendly shoes, dubbed "potato shoes," are gaining popularity as comfortable yet stylish alternatives to Birkenstock clogs.
I love love love this lip balm. I compare it to the $24 version from Summer Fridays, which I've been splurging on... but this $4 E.l.f. version feels comparable.
I got this product because of the hype of it on TikTok. This lip balm smells SO GOOD. And hydrated my lips.
I love these! I was hoping they could compare for the Birkenstock brand, and I'm so glad they can! They look and feel just like my Birkenstocks for a fraction of the price.
Read at BuzzFeed