Mary Guibert, Jeff Buckley's mother, shared her experience regarding a proposed biopic starring Brad Pitt. Initially excited, she grew doubtful about Pitt's ability to authentically portray her son, questioning how he might replicate Buckley's unique voice. The project transformed into a documentary titled 'It's Never Over, Jeff Buckley', directed by Amy Berg, who based the film on Buckley's archives. Pitt took on an executive producer role, focusing on digitizing Buckley's work. The documentary features interviews from various artists and coincides with the 30th anniversary of Buckley’s only studio album.
We're going to dye your hair, put brown contact lenses on those baby blues, and you're going to open your mouth and Jeff's voice is going to come out?!
Once I started listening to his voicemail messages and his DAP player and demos and reading his journals, I just couldn't imagine it being anything but a documentary.