Lab-grown meat is the future for pet food and that's a huge opportunity for Britain | Lucy McCormick

"Lab-grown meat may sound futuristic, but the process is actually straightforward. It starts with the harvesting of a small number of animal cells, then the cells are fed essential nutrients to help them replicate and grow, similar to a yeast culture on a petri dish."
"But unlike a whole living animal, there are fewer limitations on size, there are no welfare concerns, and the setup does not require such vast land, water and energy resources."
"In a world of genetic modification, E numbers and ultra-processing, we have learned that artificial equals bad. But lab-grown meat is not an artificial food; biologically it is meat. The difference is simply the method."
"While alive, farm animals are pumped full of antibiotics before being churned through a mass slaughter operation that is so unhygienic that meat is regularly infected with salmonella and other pathogens."
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